Sunday, September 30, 2012

Working the stable...

17 years ago while attending a book fair I was bitten by a mosquito that must have just come from biting an award winning author. A drop of inspiration was transferred, resulting in a gene splice, a process that's still ongoing today. Science has no cogent explanation for it. All I know for sure is that ever since I have been writing and to date have put together a collection of 18 books that I keep safely stabled at .
My family, on the other hand, claims that I haven't enough friends so I create them and surround myself with a host of characters. True enough, my books vastly enrich my life.

I like nothing better, than to disappear in one of my adventures.

In a way, my writing process devolved from a role playing game, a chose your own adventure phenomena, where I create a scenario and see how my characters deal with it as they encounter chance events. In effect, they end up writing the books. Believe me, resolution is often as much of a surprise to me as to my readers. In fact I suspect I write just to find out how things turn out in the end.

A finished book, however, is a wonderfully rewarding experience. Wrapped and packaged, out the door it goes to face the often critical world, to swim or sink on its merits. An anxious time for me, certainly. Meanwhile, back at the corral, the unpublished books mill about, demanding to be groomed to a higher level of quality. Keeps me fully busy as I cast an covetous glance towards a strand of inspiration that floats by, tempting me in a new direction. But often I have to let a promising filament go, because the corral is already full.