Friday, December 3, 2010

In The Flow...

So now, first draft of Where Arrows Fly is finished. It needs revision, of course, polish, rewrites, but the story is solidly nailed down. And I like it. My success as a writer is grounded in the fact that I write for my own amusement. I really have no mission of writing for anyone else. That comes in as an after thought. There must be at least a few people out there who, like me, are turned on by the stuff I write. So then, I write for them: certainly, for those who like my work, not for those who don’t.

My intent when finished, is to release this on the Internet as a freebie to stimulate Net traffic to my website ( Unless... unless an agent throws his/her body in front of the departing train to stop me.

At the same time I also have to do final touches on the cover of Dreamcast 3 so it can be sent to the printer. Then my self-published paranormal trilogy is outed, in public, with no thought of Dreamcast 4 in the works yet (but I had said that before).

Concurrently with the above, I need to send out more query letters to agents about The Locksmith Dilemma. My characters have been patient, but my conscience is bothering me at the neglect. I have read the story again, and Damn, I’m good!

Then there is Seize The Day (Marcus, my Roman legionnaire) waiting its turn. I have to do something about that too. And Rufus (Sail the Red Hammer) ... and Chaiko (of the Fourteen Stones series).

I have to prepare for an upcoming Small Press Book Fair in Toronto. I have a 3x3 space reserved on a table. I got to get a brochure printed, new business cards...

So I still work, not having given up on my day job, and am still a husband and father with pets to care for. There is just not enough time in the day.

And my poor wife. As my editor-in-chief, she was just finishing the latest run through Dreamcast 3, when she asked me what was I typing. "Uhhh... Where Arrows Fly..."

"What! Are you insane! Haven’t we got enough to do getting these others out the door??!"

Uhm. What could I say. That in the back of my mind another story was brewing... coming to some kind of boil?

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