Friday, December 31, 2010


On sober reflection I have to issue the following amendment to my previous post.

In 2011, I will try to increase traffic on my blog.

I will also promote my website at more aggressively.

Be more proactive. It seems, holding my breath had not worked too well.

Resolutions... BAH

December 31, 2010. The last we see of this year. Looking back, it has not been a bad stretch. We sort of survived the financial meltdown of the last two years with all its uncertainty and constant anxieties. I published Dreamcast 2, wrote Dreamcast 3 (it’s still at the printer), wrote zerodraft of Where Arrows Fly (now in third revision) and completed about two thirds of a new story I have no name for yet (perhaps The Canal Rat). So its been productive.

There had been progress in other parts of my life, but they don’t belong here. This blog is an outlet for all the leftover feelings, rants and musing of a restless mind. And please don’t assume any of it is true; I freely mix imagination with the real stuff. But if I have thought of it, and especially if I wrote it down, then it has an internal reality and occupies a track in my memory. That’s something to keep in mind. I often recall episodes in my books that have been edited out or in, and I have to backtrack to the completed product to see what the official version ended up as. "What were you thinking...?" I’m often asked, and I have to query back, "In which version?"

So it is in real life. I sometime have to ask my wife just "How things went down exactly...?"

But now here we are, starting a new chapter for 2011. I’m old enough to wonder just how many chapters are left in my book of life. Am I still climbing upward or have started on the decline? Should I be in first gear or am I still in overdrive? Not easy to tell. But life is still too much of a struggle, with aspirations ahead of me, so I must still be in drive.

But back to 2011. I resolve not to make any resolutions but to keep things as they are on their present course. There was a period when each year the list started with "I have to quit smoking for real this time..." and eventually, I did. Sometime later came "I have to write a book..." which was followed in subsequent years by "I have to finish the book(s)..."

But for 2011, read my lips, there are NO resolutions to pre-frame the year.

There will be challenges, setbacks, triumphs, miles stones achieved and passed, why burden it by artificial restrictions. I could say "This year, I will be a better husband, father or person in general..." but why force my character in some new straight jacket? Impose new borders on an already limited living space?

But you are a writer, surely you can come up with a better script for yourself? True enough. But that’s why I have my characters, to explore events and circumstances, feelings and emotions, not to forget consequences... to go where I myself dare not go.

My experience with resolutions... too often they are targets for failure. Aiming too high (insurance against success), or too low (evidence of a lack of commitment) makes the whole an exercise in futility...

Being environmentally conscious, I suppose, I could recycle something from past years... but NO!

So People, sorry, no resolution this year. Nada!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Follow up to "Shopping with Angelina."

I can’t adequately describe how much the experience changed my life. Shopping, which I used to dread, now has become a daily adventure, with Angelina beside me in spirit, helping me navigate brands and resists other forms of temptations. Yes, now I can boldly push my cart past the ice cream display and not be filled with nostalgia.

And another thing, now I can’t get enough selenium. If that GOOD cholesterol put all those nice curves on her, imagine what it could do for me.

I’m still a little anxious facing the magazine rack at checkout, afraid to turn up in there, looking out of one or more of the tabloids. I have considered shaving my beard (I have only done that once since age what? 22) to hide my identity.

I’ll soon have to renew my driver’s license. Thinking of taking Taylor Lautner and his pack with me, so that no one messes with me. (I’m still flip-flopping between Edward and Jacob camps.)

See, how easy it is? Life has become a breeze.

Shopping with Angelina

I was reading a friend’s blog where she describes going fantasy Shopping with Brad Pitt at Sobeys ( what-brad-pitt-and-i-did-in-my-dream), so I figured if she can do it then so could I, with--who else?--Angelina Jolie. Well why not? We must have gender equality.

Let me tell you it changed my whole shopping experience.

The first thing I used to look at was price. Well no longer. From now on, it’s ingredients, Lipids and Saturated Fats, Glucides, Salt Content-- NO more! Fiber, selenium, YES. She was telling me how selenium is really good at getting rid of BAD cholesterol. I pricked up my ears, if she said BAD cholesterol, then there must be GOOD cholesterol around. I meant to ask her about it, but just then she bent over to pick something off the lowest shelf, and I got an eyeful and forgot everything else.

The woman is absolutely amazing, reading label after label, pointing out chemical compositions, interaction, trade-offs and consequences. She must have a bio-med degree from Hopkins or something.

She says she doesn’t shop normally in large grocery chains, but gets all her food straight from the grower who is 120% organic certified by American Food and Drug. So its not "taste like chicken" for her, it’s "taste like free-range chicken." But here she was with me, since I dragged her into my fantasy, she was trying to do the best of a bad situation.

And let me tell you she was picky. I had my basket full, she barely had the bottom covered. And I was cheating too, I was buying products that I could hardly afford in a vain attempt to impress her. All the while pretending that I knew what I was doing and she was just... just another casual shopper.

Of course I was inhibited. I expected Laura Croft, The Tomb Raider, defeat evil right there in the cafe and condiments aisle. And what if, it were true that say, some villain was stalking her, and I would have to do a heroic thing and save HER. Got that? SAVE HER! Would I be up to it? Even in my fantasies?

But there is a softer side to her. I discovered that on the later part of our odyssey, near detergents and dryer sheets. She expressed a preference for April-Fresh Downy to keep her clothes soft and fluffy. I expressed my astonishment that she would do her own laundry... She frowned and shook her head, "Of course not, dear boy, but I can smell and know." I complimented her how nice she smelled, in her one-piece frilly suit, what little of it there was... She preened a little. (Well it’s MY fantasy, so she can preen...)

We had real fun at checkout. Of course all the lines were full, but you know Jolie, she told the lady ahead of us that the bacon was expired and shocked that lady to vacate the line in a hurry. But a step closer, we face her nemesis, the magazine rack, and half the issues had glossy pictures of her and Brad. She confided in me. "Brad sometimes leaves shavings in the bathroom sink..."
"I thought you would each have your own bathrooms..."

"We do. But you know how it is, we are so territorial, and I have my brand on everything, especially Brad. (That’s my girl Laura for you!)."

Then she got quite indignant, "Why that pucking bitch!" she said pointing at Jen on the cover still pining for Brad. "She whines still and claiming I stole his affections. As if I needed to. I’m blessed or cursed with pheromones few can resist..." I can testify to that. My head was spinning and well... my other body parts were reacting too.

She was still boiling by the time the cashier asked if she had a Sobeys’ card. She withered her with one look. Outside we got ambushed by the paparazzi, blinded by camera flashes and accosted with in-your-face microphones. I dread the next issue of the rags with me on the front cover looking stupidly surprised. I hope my wife won’t see it. You see, I had not told her about this little adventure.

And Angelina? I made a date with her to meet at Home Hardware, where she can help me chose the best grouting compound. In her persona as agent Salt, she is trained in all such things, no? She wasn’t happy about it, but I have my own pheromones and this is MY fantasy.

It opened up a brand new world for me. Maybe I’ll invite Jen to tell me her side of the story. Or for Jaylo to come clean about Ben and her Jen issues. Heck maybe I will ask one of them to scrub my back in the bathtub... but that’s for a late night story. The world is my oyster...

Friday, December 3, 2010

In The Flow...

So now, first draft of Where Arrows Fly is finished. It needs revision, of course, polish, rewrites, but the story is solidly nailed down. And I like it. My success as a writer is grounded in the fact that I write for my own amusement. I really have no mission of writing for anyone else. That comes in as an after thought. There must be at least a few people out there who, like me, are turned on by the stuff I write. So then, I write for them: certainly, for those who like my work, not for those who don’t.

My intent when finished, is to release this on the Internet as a freebie to stimulate Net traffic to my website ( Unless... unless an agent throws his/her body in front of the departing train to stop me.

At the same time I also have to do final touches on the cover of Dreamcast 3 so it can be sent to the printer. Then my self-published paranormal trilogy is outed, in public, with no thought of Dreamcast 4 in the works yet (but I had said that before).

Concurrently with the above, I need to send out more query letters to agents about The Locksmith Dilemma. My characters have been patient, but my conscience is bothering me at the neglect. I have read the story again, and Damn, I’m good!

Then there is Seize The Day (Marcus, my Roman legionnaire) waiting its turn. I have to do something about that too. And Rufus (Sail the Red Hammer) ... and Chaiko (of the Fourteen Stones series).

I have to prepare for an upcoming Small Press Book Fair in Toronto. I have a 3x3 space reserved on a table. I got to get a brochure printed, new business cards...

So I still work, not having given up on my day job, and am still a husband and father with pets to care for. There is just not enough time in the day.

And my poor wife. As my editor-in-chief, she was just finishing the latest run through Dreamcast 3, when she asked me what was I typing. "Uhhh... Where Arrows Fly..."

"What! Are you insane! Haven’t we got enough to do getting these others out the door??!"

Uhm. What could I say. That in the back of my mind another story was brewing... coming to some kind of boil?