Thursday, December 16, 2010

Follow up to "Shopping with Angelina."

I can’t adequately describe how much the experience changed my life. Shopping, which I used to dread, now has become a daily adventure, with Angelina beside me in spirit, helping me navigate brands and resists other forms of temptations. Yes, now I can boldly push my cart past the ice cream display and not be filled with nostalgia.

And another thing, now I can’t get enough selenium. If that GOOD cholesterol put all those nice curves on her, imagine what it could do for me.

I’m still a little anxious facing the magazine rack at checkout, afraid to turn up in there, looking out of one or more of the tabloids. I have considered shaving my beard (I have only done that once since age what? 22) to hide my identity.

I’ll soon have to renew my driver’s license. Thinking of taking Taylor Lautner and his pack with me, so that no one messes with me. (I’m still flip-flopping between Edward and Jacob camps.)

See, how easy it is? Life has become a breeze.

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