Thursday, February 5, 2015

Back for a look and see...

My God, I haven't written anything here for well over a year. I have been concentrating on my books and hadn't had time for anything else. All my creative juices went to feed the books and I now have 20 ebooks online with under Paul Telegdi. Crazy eh? I'm still writing, of course, #21 is awaiting final edit. Just finished first draft of #22, and got #23 half finished. I don't know if I'll ever stop; they will have to bury me with my keyboard, the new one for this is pretty well worn out from the incessant pounding. All I know for sure is that writing is highly addictive. I have reached that point in my life that I would rather write than have ... well, ice cream. But to let a whole year pass is criminal! Your Honor, I wish to plead guilty to all counts of willful neglect and abandonment. Not that anyone cares. When did I last get a comment? People have to be lost to find me in here. Still, this is the place where I moan and groan and let it hang out. I will try to come back but won't promise anything just yet.

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